Camorr Wiki

Jenora Gloriano is the stage mistress for The Moncraine Company and the niece of Mistress Alizana Gloriano. As stage mistress, she is in charge of designing, creating and mending costumes and props, as well as taking charge of the bookkeeping.

When members of the Gentlemen Bastards act as temporary players in the company, Jenora enters a mutually enjoyed intimate relationship with Jean Tannen. It is also during this time that she is sexually assaulted by an inebriated Baron Gennaro Boulidazi and stabs him in the heart with her sewing scissors. Despite being a genuine act of self-defense, she would likely be executed for her actions considering the difference in social status between herself and Boulidazi. As a result, she must collaborate with the Gentlemen Bastards to cover up his death.
